Case Results


The firm obtained a settlement of $262,500 on behalf of an injured school teacher who was involved in a T-bone collision when the at-fault driver ran a stop sign.As a result of the collision, the firm’s client was required to undergo two years of physical therapy, steroid injections, and a percutaneous rhizotomy.After two years of litigation against both the at-fault party’s insurance carrier and our client’s uninsured motorist carrier, our personal injury attorneys were able to obtain a pre-trial settlement.


The firm obtained a settlement of $548,434 on behalf of a client injured by a motorist who ran a stop sign along a rural highway in St. Martin Parish. As a result of the collision, the firm’s client suffered a cervical fracture and worsening of pre-existing brain atrophy.Our personal injury attorneys litigated our client’s case for nearly two years and handled extensive discovery before settlement was reached.

$15,000,000+ Recovered

Recovered over $15,000,000.00 for various small businesses and individuals in the class action filed against British Petroleum related to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Our attorneys handled various claims on behalf of individuals and small businesses in the settlement claims process, as well as lawsuits in the Eastern District of Louisiana and the Federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. A large part of this work involved working with forensic CPA’s to accurately calculated business income losses for various companies whose operations were detrimentally affected by the oil spill. We also represented fisherman, oystermen, shrimpers, and various families for their seafood harvest losses, subsistence claims for losses of seafood catch related to the spill, and oil spill clean up workers who had wage claims against BP.


The firm obtained a settlement of $300,000 on behalf of an injured driver who was rear ended by a vehicle traveling 35 miles per hour while she was stopped in traffic.As a result of the collision, the firm’s client was forced to undergo months of physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, and received percutaneous rhizotomies.Our personal injury lawyers litigated our client’s case for nearly three years, challenged an orthopedic surgeon hired to try and downplay the extent and cause of injuries, and handled extensive discovery before settlement was reached


The firm’s client was a painting subcontractor on a private commercial construction project in Orleans Parish. The General Contractor and its surety failed to remit significant base contract monies to the firm’s client, and the general contractor failed to pay significant amounts of change orders which were approved by the general contractor. The firm not only sued under the Private Works Act for the base contract monies and change orders alleged to be due after filing a lien on the project but also sought prompt pay penalties against the general contractor for failing to remit paying the subcontractor in 14 days under Louisiana law despite being paid by the owner. After a construction arbitration trial, including multiple fact and expert witnesses, the arbitration panel found in favor of our client. Further, the firm sought all costs and attorney fees, which were awarded as well. The total judgment value due to our client was $1,974,843.74.


Jury verdict obtained on behalf of a small business client against a former business partner. The firm represented a business owner who was locked out of his business operating accounts and operations of the business at a point that the business had become profitable. The owner had invested significant capital in the business. His partner attempted to remove him from all operations once the businesses main contract began to bring in profits for the company. After two years of litigation in Jefferson Parish where the other business partner refused to offer a reasonable settlement, our firm took the case to a 4-day jury trial in Jefferson Parish. The jury completely awarded all amounts requested by the firm, finding the former business partner breached contractual and fiduciary obligations owed to the firm’s client. Importantly, the jury also found the former business partner violated Louisiana’s Unfair Trade Practices Act (“LUTPA”), which called for treble (double) damages against the former business partner.


The firm’s client was a passenger in a transport van that was T-boned due to the negligent operation of the driver of the van. As a result of the collision, the firm’s client was forced to under months of physical therapy, lost wages, and ultimately undergo a lumbar fusion on his back to repair his back injuries suffered in the collision. Our personal injury lawyers litigated our client’s case for two years, challenged a biomechanics expert that the insurer hired to try and downplay the extent and cause of injuries, and ultimately forced the insurer to settle for the remainder of the policy limits of $988,915.68.


Obtained a settlement on behalf of a young mother who was sideswiped by an 18-wheeler in New Orleans. The firm’s client was a passenger in a vehicle on the interstate when an 18-wheeler sideswiped the vehicle she was riding in. She was a full-time worker and single mother. Due to injuries in the collision, the firm’s client was forced to have a surgical rhizotomy because of the collision. After litigating the 18-wheeler collision in Orleans Parish, the firm was able to reach amicable resolution in mediation.


A school teacher’s vehicle t-boned a car that ran a stop sign, causing her and her passenger significant injuries. The school teacher retained the services of our personal injury attorneys who were able to obtain a $262,500.00 settlement to compensate the client for her injuries suffered, which required her to undergo 25 months of physical therapy and ultimately a percutaneous rhizotomy.


Obtained a confidential settlement on behalf of a homeowner against their homeowner’s insurance company and various vendors for violation of Louisiana law related to insurers’ obligations to adjust insured’s claims in good faith. The homeowner’s insurance company sent an unqualified adjuster to the properly who denied the claim, despite the leak which occurred having clearly been covered in the policy. The homeowner had to move out of the property and live elsewhere, while carrying the mortgage on the family home during litigation. The leak spread throughout the property, causing water damage to grow throughout the home. However, the homeowner’s insurance company delayed and litigated the claim. The case was litigated and settled for a confidential amount days before trial was scheduled to begin.

Scott Vicknair, LLC

Scott Vicknair, LLCN/a
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Suite 1225
New Orleans, LA70112
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Covington Office1321 Ochsner Blvd.,
Suite 100
Covington, LA70433
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Cut Off Office15460 W Main St,
Cut Off
USA, LA70345
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