It’s considerably limitless as to what kind of injuries you may face on the water, which is why having an offshore injury lawyer is essential to properly evaluating your individual situation if you were involved in an accident. Whether for sport, work, or any other reason, being out at sea is treacherous and unpredictable. An experienced maritime injury lawyer has likely already handled a wide variety of maritime cases, and they will be able to look at your case from just about every angle. Because maritime law is rather complicated, it’s easy to get undercompensated for any offshore injury you have faced. Scott Vicknair will make sure this does not happen to you should you work with our legal counsel. There are a number of offshore injuries listed below that are most common, and it’s important to be educated on these various situations.
The mishandling of equipment, human error, or a build-up of fumes can all easily lead to serious consequences. Unfortunately getting burned is incredibly common as an offshore worker. Burns are also often simply a form of negligence. It is incredibly frustrating to be unable to work for months after being seriously burned, and if your employer or someone else is at fault, you deserve the rightful amount of compensation to cover any financial or emotional costs.

Injured on Someone Else’s Property?
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504-500-1111Back Injuries
Maritime work is mostly arduous physical labor. When as a driller or a fisherman, there are countless scenarios for back injuries to occur. Ocean waves so often shake loose equipment anywhere on the ship, and this equipment will fall directly on top of someone. If another party is at fault for a back injury while you are working on a boat or ship, you should have a New Orleans lawyer fight for your rights.
Head Injuries
Head injuries are a serious matter, and people may not be initially aware of just how long it can take to recover from a head or brain injury. Like any other bodily injury, head injuries can put someone out of work for months, and of course even longer. You should not have to suffer this financial penalty because of someone else’s negligence while out at sea. A lawyer will work to make sure you are fully compensated for any future work you cannot perform because of your injury.
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We’re Here for YouOur experienced product liability attorneys will fight to secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
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504-500-1111Loss of Limbs
When you’re out at sea, we understand you are prematurely cautious, especially if you’re working. Unfortunately life-changing injuries, like losing a limb, are not uncommon. This particular offshore injury impacts the rest of your life no matter what. You deserve gracious compensation for the heavy financial damage, and emotional damage because the course of your life has changed.
Slip and Fall Accident?
Get the Legal Support You NeedOur dedicated slip and fall attorneys will help you navigate the legal process and claim the compensation you deserve.
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Every year, maritime workers die at sea due to negligence. One could argue that even going out to work on a boat or drill is a life risk each and every day. The inevitable rough surroundings of working offshore are mostly unavoidable, but sometimes a worker dies in an accident, and the accident may have been preventable. If this is the case, contacting a wrongful death lawyer immediately is the right step in order to give justice to the lifelong damage the accident has caused.
Reasons Why Injurie Occur in Boat Worker Accidents
There are unfortunately countless ways an offshore injury can occur, and an experienced offshore injury lawyer will know how to handle your specific case no matter how the accident unfolded. If you were on a job site and suffered injury while on the clock due to someone else’s negligence, then you need a lawyer actively advocating on your behalf to receive your deserved compensation for both the physical and emotional damages you are facing. Here are a few of the more common offshore injuries that you should be aware of.
Offshore Rig Injuries
Working on an offshore drilling rig and searching for oil and gas is arduous and strenuous manual labor. It’s not acknowledged enough that it is a job that takes confidence and bravery and competence. However, though there is a lot of safety equipment and regulations put into place to protect workers, these protocols can still be mishandled, which will inevitably lead to a worker getting hurt. It is too common that an offshore rig injury can be traced back to human error.
On Deck Accidents
The open sea is rough and unpredictable, which is why boats and ships should have special safety equipment that keeps supplies from falling and remains intact. Yet, crew members are still injured by falling objects, and swinging cables, and will also even dangerously fall on wet stairs. These mishaps are likely due to the negligence of an employer or other crew members not doing their jobs correctly. Ships are required to provide a safe environment for their workers and you should not have to deal with a dangerous work environment this way.
Fires and Explosions
Fires and explosions may seem like they wouldn’t ever happen too often out at sea, but they do happen more than you would think. Explosions can occur for a variety of reasons on the ocean. Malfunctioning or overheated ventilation systems can escalate to a dangerous fire. Oil sprays from a poorly maintained pipeline easily can lead to an ignited spark. Fire and explosion injuries may be far more severe than other injuries, and you want to make sure you’ll be fully compensated.
Equipment Malfunctions
Equipment failures are inevitable if you are working on the water. Employers may also not pay close attention if a piece of equipment is not performing to its best potential. Often instead of fixing or replacing the equipment, the employer will assume the repair is non-urgent. This scenario happens more often than you would think and is an easy cause for personal injury while on the job.
Inland Maritime Injuries
The Jones Act also applies to waterways across the Gulf Coast such as rivers, lakes, and more. You have the same rights as seamen at these inland locations and the same kind of offshore accidents can occur on inland waters. A New Orleans lawyer will work tirelessly on your behalf in the event of an inland injury as well. Contact Scott Vicknair if you are someone in need of legal guidance for an offshore injury.